Low Voltage Lighting - What's the Appeal? - Silhouette Lights

Low Voltage Lighting - What's the Appeal?


 Low voltage landscape lighting illuminating a glowing backyard walkway at dusk


What is Low Voltage Lighting and What’s the Appeal?

Low voltage lights are fixtures that use less than 50v to power them, though in landscape lighting, 12v or 24v are most common.

The benefits of having a low voltage system heavily outweigh that of solar lighting systems or high voltage lighting systems. In this blog post, we will only be discussing the benefits of low voltage systems, but posts comparing all three systems are on the horizon!


1: You can do it yourself!

Low voltage lighting is extremely safe to work with and can be installed by almost anyone with basic knowledge of electricity or after watching a quick tutorial.

The safety and ease make low voltage lights a great option for the DIY-er or handyman that is looking to save money by skipping the professional installation. These safe systems are also favored by professionals, keeping themselves much safer from any potential risk or injury that high voltage lighting could expose them to.


Backyard sitting area with retaining wall illuminated by low voltage rail landscape lighting


2: Energy Efficiency

If you want a banging backyard with show-stopping lighting, you’re going to need to install quite a few light fixtures. The good news is that if you go with low voltage LED fixtures, you won’t have to worry about using too much power or your electricity bill skyrocketing.

Though they may be expensive initially, the low running cost and energy efficiency make low voltage systems a clear winner in the long term. 

3: Got Water? No problem.

Water and snow are almost no threat to low voltage lighting systems, which is great news if you live in a rainy, wet, or snowy climate (like we do!)

With little power running through them, there is little risk of shorting out or shocking when the light fixtures are exposed to rain and snow. Though of course, submerging or exposing landscape lights to excessive amounts of water (like pressure washing) and are not waterproof or rated for submersion will cause irreparable damage. Good landscape lighting is designed to be outside withstanding weather and low voltage lights are among the best lights to have when water is involved.


Cabin style house at night, lit up by low voltage spotlights


4: Increases Home Safety

Are you worried about your guests making a safe trip from your house to their car at night? Or that somebody may fall down your exterior steps when it’s pitch black outside? Landscape lighting can shed light on important walkways and hazardous areas, such as a pool or stairs, and help to keep you, your family, and guests safe when on your property at night!

5: Increases Home Security

A well-lit yard can deter trespassers from welcoming themselves onto your property! Staying in the shadows and keeping stealth is hard to do with an army of landscape lights highlighting your every move.

Something to keep in mind when installing your lighting: landscape lights create areas of light within the darkness. By highlighting a few areas, your leftover dark spots will appear darker than they did before.


Glowing outdoor waterfall and pond at dusk with path lights surrounding


6: Increases the Value of Your Property

Did you know that landscape lighting can increase the value of your home by up to 20%? Not only that but when it’s time to sell your home, houses/properties with high-quality landscape lighting can experience higher offers and a quicker sale compared to homes without!

7: Maximizes Outdoor Space Enjoyment

Adding lights to your outdoor living spaces creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere that you may find you never want to leave! Getting to appreciate those areas for a few more hours each night with an evening swim, cozy cup of tea, or entertaining guests, all while in the coziest of lighting? Yes, please!


Commercial building with bollard cap landscape lights and beautiful green illuminated tree

There are so many benefits to having low voltage lighting on your property! If you feel ready to take the next steps into the world of landscape lighting, view our list of recommended local contractors and landscapers for professional installation here, or, start browsing Silhouette Lights light fixtures online.

If you have questions that are still unanswered, feel free to contact us at avisscher@silhouettelights.com and we will be happy to help answer any questions you may have.

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